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- /******************************************************************************/
- /* */
- /* UnMime.rexx */
- /* Copyright ©1997 by Dick Whiting */
- /* */
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* This version works with either MuiRexx 2.2 or MuiRexx 3.0 */
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* This one attempts to identify the Quoted-Printable portions of a mail */
- /* and converts it back to 8bit text. It also handles header lines with */
- /* the ISO-8859-1?Q type encoding (only single lines are done correctly). */
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* */
- /* Standard Disclaimer: I wrote it, it works for me, I don't guarantee */
- /* that it will do anything productive for anyone else, etc. etc. ;-) */
- /* */
- /*HOWEVER, if you DO find a use for it: I homeschool my kids and they */
- /*would love a postcard from where EVER you live. */
- /* */
- /*Instant GEOGRAPHY lesson;) */
- /* */
- /* */
- /*POSTCARDS: Dick Whiting */
- /* 28590 S. Beavercreek Rd. */
- /* Mulino, Oregon 97042 */
- /* USA */
- /* */
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* */
- /* Address Bug Reports or Comments to: */
- /* Dick Whiting <dwhiting@europa.com> */
- /* 15 June 1997 */
- /* */
- /******************************************************************************/
- /*
- $VER: 1.1 Copyright ©1997 by Dick Whiting
- $AUTHOR: Dick Whiting
- $DESCRIPTION: Change Quoted-Printable back to text and rewrap.
- */
- options results
- options failat 21
- if ~show('L','rexxsupport.library') then do
- addlib('rexxsupport.library',0,-30)
- end
- Address YAM 'getmailinfo file' /* find which mail to unmime */
- mfile=result
- TRUE=1
- choplen=76 /* chop lines to this length */
- ofile=substr(mfile,lastpos('/',mfile)+1) /* create a tempfile name */
- bakup='T:'||ofile||'.bak'
- ofile='T:'||ofile||'.unmime'
- Call ReadMail
- Call SaveFile
- exit
- /**************************************************************************/
- /* Read the mail file into array */
- /**************************************************************************/
- /**************************************************************************/
- /* From: =?iso-8859-1?Q?Ren=E9?= LeBlanc <leblancr@amug.org> */
- /**************************************************************************/
- ReadMail:
- header=TRUE /* start with header lines */
- qlines.='' /* array for quoted lines */
- mimecnt=0 /* no mime lines yet */
- mimeline='' /* init empty */
- mime=FALSE /* NOT quoted-printable */
- xferhead='CONTENT-TRANSFER-ENCODING:' /* other xfer types */
- CTE8bit='Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit'
- isomime='=?ISO-8859-1?Q?' /* mimed sections of a line */
- isoend='?='
- if open('IN',mfile,'R') & open('OUT',ofile,'W') then do
- do while ~eof('IN')
- linein=readln('IN')
- select
- when upper(linein)=quotehead then do
- linein=CTE8bit /* replace CTE line with 8bit */
- mime=TRUE
- end
- when pos(xferhead,upper(linein))=1 then mime=FALSE
- when pos(isomime,upper(linein))>0 then do
- testword=word(linein,1)
- if substr(testword,length(testword),1)=':' then do
- Call DoQencode
- end
- end
- when header & linein='' then header=FALSE
- otherwise nop
- end
- select
- when ~mime & mimeline='' then do
- foo=writeln('OUT',linein) /* write lines to output */
- end
- when ~mime & mimeline~='' then do
- Call ProcessMime
- foo=writeln('OUT',linein) /* write lines to output */
- end
- when mime then do
- select
- when linein='' then do
- if ~eof('IN') then do
- Call ProcessMime
- end
- end
- when substr(linein,length(linein),1)='=' then do
- mimeline=mimeline||substr(linein,1,length(linein)-1)
- end
- otherwise do
- mimeline=mimeline||linein
- Call ProcessMime
- end
- end
- end
- otherwise do
- say 'Found otherwise in ReadMail..quitting'
- exit
- end
- end
- end
- if mimeline~='' then do
- Call ProcessMime
- end
- foo=close('IN')
- foo=close('OUT')
- end
- else do
- errmsg='Not a valid file selected'
- Call ErrorMsg
- exit
- end
- Return
- /**************************************************************************/
- /* Handle special characters in line */
- /**************************************************************************/
- ProcessMime:
- eqpos=pos('=',mimeline)
- do while eqpos>0
- testchar=substr(mimeline,eqpos+1,2)
- if datatype(testchar,'X') then do
- newchar=x2c(testchar)
- mimeline=delstr(mimeline,eqpos,3)
- mimeline=insert(newchar,mimeline,eqpos-1,1)
- end
- eqpos=pos('=',mimeline,eqpos+1)
- end
- if header then do
- foo=writeln('OUT',mimeline) /* write lines to output */
- end
- else do
- do while length(mimeline)>choplen /* chop lines to reasonable len */
- blankpos=lastpos(' ',substr(mimeline,1,choplen))
- if blankpos~=0 then do
- lineout=substr(mimeline,1,blankpos)
- foo=writeln('OUT',lineout) /* write piece to output */
- mimeline=substr(mimeline,blankpos+1) /* remaining portion */
- end
- else leave
- end
- foo=writeln('OUT',mimeline) /* write last piece to out*/
- end
- mimeline='' /* reset to null line */
- Return
- /**************************************************************************/
- /* Handle special characters in headers */
- /**************************************************************************/
- DoQencode:
- qword=''
- qwstart=pos(isomime,upper(linein))
- do while qwstart>0
- qword=substr(linein,qwstart+length(isomime))
- qwend=pos(isoend,qword)
- qword=substr(qword,1,qwend-1)
- qlen=length(isomime)+length(qword)+length(isoend)
- eqpos=pos('=',qword)
- linein=delstr(linein,qwstart,qlen)
- do while eqpos>0
- testchar=substr(qword,eqpos+1,2)
- if datatype(testchar,'X') then do
- newchar=x2c(testchar)
- qword=delstr(qword,eqpos,3)
- qword=insert(newchar,qword,eqpos-1,1)
- end
- eqpos=pos('=',qword,eqpos+1)
- end
- qword=translate(qword,' ','_')
- linein=insert(qword,linein,qwstart-1,length(qword))
- qwstart=pos(isomime,upper(linein))
- end
- Return
- /**************************************************************************/
- /* Save the mail file back */
- /**************************************************************************/
- SaveFile:
- fstate=statef(mfile) /* file information */
- fbytes=subword(fstate,2,1) /* length of file */
- fdate=subword(fstate,5,1) /* internal date */
- fmins=subword(fstate,6,1) /* minutes since midnite*/
- fticks=subword(fstate,7,1) /* ticks past minutes */
- fcomm=subword(fstate,8) /* old comment */
- fdate=date('E',fdate,'I') /* get date in ddmmyy */
- fdate=translate(fdate,'-','/') /* convert / to - */
- hh=fmins%60 /* get hours */
- hh=right(hh,2,'0') /* force to 2 digits */
- mm=fmins//60 /* get minutes */
- mm=right(mm,2,'0') /* force to 2 digits */
- ss=fticks%50 /* seconds */
- ss=right(ss,2,'0') /* force it */
- ftime=hh||':'||mm||':'||ss /* timestamp rebuilt */
- /* Address Command 'COPY 'mfile bakup 'QUIET' */
- Address Command 'COPY 'ofile mfile 'QUIET'
- Address Command 'SETDATE ' mfile fdate ftime
- Address Command 'FILENOTE ' mfile '"'fcomm'"'
- Address Command 'DELETE ' ofile 'QUIET'
- Return
- /**************************************************************************/
- /* End of Active Code */
- /**************************************************************************/